Thursday, December 13, 2007

School Changes, Stonebridge for Sale, Change is good?

Change is constant! It touches everything in life and so change is affecting Lakeland. The school board will change the boundary lines for the elementary and middle schools for our kids in Lakeland. When I heard of these changes my first reaction was negative- only because I was in a comfort zone with regard to where my children were going to attend school. I didn't know anything about the Bon Lynn Middle School or Berret's Chapel Elementary school. We live in an age where information is available and we can become more informed about subjects in a shorter period of time than any other time in our history. is the website to find out the proposed changes- and it also features information regarding the schools- you can e-mail the principal and other staff at the schools. Stonebridge golf course is still for sale and so far no takers- but the city is currently studying the pros and cons for the city purchasing the property. Why Lakeland will update the information as soon as we know more.